"... It seems likely that we’re here to cultivate (soulfully) and celebrate (spiritually) a finely honed balance between loving and being loved, caring and being cared for, giving and receiving, accepting and being accepted, forgiving and being forgiven, knowing and being known, realizing and being realized. To the maximum extent possible.
All in the context of learning, growing, exploring, creating, performing, producing, managing, directing, evolving, and flourishing into our best, most enlightened versions of ourselves." ~ Christopher Lovejoy
Antennae for droplets of received wisdom
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Blog Archive
- Laws for Self-Liberty
- Straight is the way and narrow is the gate and the...
- Evolution is possible but one trait is necessary: ...
- Contradictions and Paradoxes
- "We create our fate everyday ... most of the ills ...
- "There is no escape from the tests that awakening ...
- "An argumentative spirit cannot learn."
- Who You Really Are
- Every morning is like a new reincarnation into thi...
- There is only one requirement:
- The Test
- Love is a powerful healing energy.
- The two shallow substitutes which people unconscio...
- Adversity