"....But here’s the other thing: Every day, every single day, is a chance to do better, to live with more grace, to take that moment – that tiny moment in between something happening and your response -- and to think twice... Forget about yesterday – it’s over. But today is a whole new chance." ~ Maryam Montague
Antennae for droplets of received wisdom
Blog Archive
- Laws for Self-Liberty
- Straight is the way and narrow is the gate and the...
- Evolution is possible but one trait is necessary: ...
- Contradictions and Paradoxes
- "We create our fate everyday ... most of the ills ...
- "There is no escape from the tests that awakening ...
- "An argumentative spirit cannot learn."
- Who You Really Are
- Every morning is like a new reincarnation into thi...
- There is only one requirement:
- The Test
- Love is a powerful healing energy.
- The two shallow substitutes which people unconscio...
- Adversity