Antennae for droplets of received wisdom

Monday, February 3, 2014

When Separated From Harmony

"When you are not happy you go out of sync with the Universe.  Everything flows in the Universe... everything is one, like a beautiful symphony orchestra, because it is in harmony... all moving in harmony with oneness.  When you feel angry, upset, depressed,  you immediately separate with others, you are immediately out of harmony, you are out of tune.  Just like blowing the trumpet at the wrong time, it hurts your ear.  When a person is unhappy with themselves, they are separated, they are out of tune with the Universe.  It is as simple as that...when you are in tune you are in grace.  All we can ever be is in alignment with what is...both the negative and positive are needed.  Acknowledge without shame for having any negativity.  Accept it, for the moment that you acknowledge it...there is a force inside you...the center....comes and supports you...because the Universe is Love.
- Burt Harding"

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