listening is an act of love
Antennae for droplets of received wisdom
Blog Archive
- "The sad truth is that most evil is done by peo...
- Go to a Forest. Walk slowly. Breathe. Open all...
- "The greatest wealth is to live content with lit...
- "First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. ...
- "A mentor, one day when I was overly checking wha...
- "A handful of patience is worth more than a bush...
- "Never take the expected path."
- We are but vessels . . .
- “We judge ourselves by our intentions and others ...
- "Energy flows where your attention goes."
- Outside conditions are but Ripples on the Surface ...
- "I think when you get to the point where you do...
- “Every stress leaves an indelible scar, and the o...
- “To fear death is nothing other than to think on...
- "Every damn fool thing you do in this life, you p...
- "Bad religion is arrogant, self-righteous, dogmat...
- "Genius means little more than the faculty of per...
- "Man can learn nothing except by going from the ...
- "Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, aw...
- "There is only one thing more powerful than all ...
- "You can't be friends with someone who wants your...
- "As soon as you look at the world through an ide...
- "Reality is not only stranger than we suppose but...
- "The truth dazzles gradually, or else the world w...
- listening is an act of love
- "One must learn to love, and go through a goo...
- Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding...
- “Your inner purpose is to awaken. It is as s...
- "Mind and intelligence are woven into the fabric...