"There are no failures - just experiences and your reaction to them."
Antennae for droplets of received wisdom
Blog Archive
- “A man is literally what he thinks, his character...
- “Sweet is the rest and deep the bliss of him wh...
- Self-control is strength. Right thought is maste...
- “The greatest gift you can ever give another per...
- If you are really thankful, what do you do? You s...
- “It is not the things you have do...
- Love consists in desiring to give what is our ow...
- There is ingrain...
- Don't let your subconscious mind become dormant . . .
- "By correcting your mistakes, solving your problem...
- I have learned to never worry about that which yo...
- It is not more surprising to be born twice tha...
- Have the courage to let go of relationships that ...
- Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s abou...
- "There are no failures - just experiences and ...
- Life's Twists & Turns
- “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t ...
- The only real cure for depression...
- How would your life be different if…You st...
- The best way to find yourself is to lose yourse...
- The moment you change your perception, is the mo...
- "Solitude matters, and for some people, it is ...
- He who sings frightens away his ills. - Miguel...
- Circumstances don't matter, only state of being m...
- He who would be serene and pure needs but one thi...
- Death is not the opposite of life. Life has no op...
- Happiness is when what you think, what you say, ...
- Are journalists in general intellectual "prostitut...
- Our bodies are where we stay; Our souls are wha...
- The mind exists in a state of “not enough” and so...