“A drop of rain falling on the ground disappears in no time at all. But it is still there somehow; even if it is absorbed into the soil, it’s still there in another form. If it evaporates, it’s still there in the air. It’s become vapor; you don’t see the drop of rain, but that doesn’t mean it’s no longer there. A cloud can never die. A cloud can become rain or snow or ice, but a cloud cannot become nothing. To die means from something we become nothing, from being we pass into non-being. That is our idea of death. But meditation helps us to touch our true nature of no-birth and no-death. Before the cloud manifests as a cloud, the cloud has been water vapor, has been the ocean. So it has not come from non-being into being. Our notion of birth is just a notion. Our notion of death is just a notion.”
- Thich Nhat Hanh
- Thich Nhat Hanh