"While we are able to observe the ways of the ego, in particular catch our constant judging and automatic patterns of avoiding situations that cause us an unpleasant feeling, we are able to disentangle our attachments to illusionary thinking to a certain degree. But as it happens, when the icing of the cake is removed, the structure underground is exposed and we face naked fear and raw emotions...
The way here is 'always forward.' Always go right into that sensation of fear, disgust or the umpulse of running away from it. Catch it, where you can and stand up to it. When conditioning is exposed, it ceases to torment us...
... we only can disentangle from our judging (the thought) and conditioning (emotional reaction) to the degree we become aware of it. There are many sub-conscious beliefs, identifications and patterns that we do not see and it takes some time – and a good dose of grace – before these deep seated patterns melt and come to the surface...... It means to allow whatever occurs to happen, without working up a resistance or shutting down." ~ Michaela
Excerpts from Letting Go of Taking Things Personally