Antennae for droplets of received wisdom

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Animals Teach Us Spirituality

In Loving Memory of Petty, Lani, Daphne, Jasmine, the German Shepard, the Dog I Took To the Pound, the Newborn Lost

"That animals touch us in a deep, central place is not a modern-day phenomenon, but one that pervades the history of the human-animal relationship. We sense that we can benefit spiritually in our relationship with animals, and we are right. They offer us something fundamental: a direct and immediate sense of both the joy and wonder of creation. We recognize that animals seem to feel more intensely and purely than we do. Perhaps we yearn to express ourselves with such abandon and integrity." ~ Mary Lou Randour, Ph.D.

Animals live in the Now!

Cat Soothing Crying Baby to Sleep

"Lao Pan, an unmarried man without much family, found close companionship with his loyal dog. And even though tragedy, their steadfast bond lives on. Pan lived in the Chinese village of Panjiatun, but died earlier this month at the age of 68. His furry friend was found by villagers at Pan's grave safeguarding the site according to BBC News. The loyal pup refused to leave even after going seven days without food.Sky News reports that since noticing the dog, villagers have been bringing food and water to the gravesite, and are even planning to build a kennel there for the dog to sleep in."

In a heroic story beyond reason, a yellow lab named Reagan made a discovery on an Iowa roadside that saved two precious lives.
Two kittens had been sealed into a bag of Meow Mix, left on a roadside and run over by traffic on a rural Iowa highway about three months ago, reports.
It was Reagan the dog who dragged the bag home and whined until his owner opened it. Reagan's owner discovered two kittens barely hanging onto life, while the rest of the litter hadn't survived, prompting a call to the Raccoon Valley Animal Sanctuary.
"There was a litter of four or five of them and you couldn't tell if there were two or three [in the bag]...they had been run over by a vehicle. It was not a pretty sight," Linda Blakely of the animal shelter told
The Raccoon Valley Animal Sanctuary is now housing the two kittens -- Skipper and Tipper -- who weren't originally expected to live through the ordeal. The two were bottled-fed every two hours and are now back to their normal lively selves, the news outlet reports.
Thanks to Reagan, both kittens are now up for adoption through the Raccoon Valley Animal.

Luke and Tally - this is love...

Turtles High-Five Like People Do!

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